Projects - Custom development
These are examples of systems I personally developed, implemented and administered, unless specified otherwise. Most of these projects were made through my company, NEXXOR inc. All these systems have been used for years by the client (and some still are).
Management system (platform) for SMB
This platform has been developed on a Microsoft Access front-end and Microsoft SQL Server back-end. Customized to fit client’s needs, it was designed to manage small businesses that needed a more efficient system than a SMB accounting system or Excel system. This system was implemented in small businesses and was customized to fit the needs of each, from a manufacturing start-up to an established transporter and also to fit the needs of a non-profit organization in the healthcare industry. While I stopped promoting this platform years ago, it is still being used in some companies.

- Easy-to-use, user-friendly interface
- Quick deployment and customization
- Quick ROI
- Easily customizable platform to fit client’s needs
- Easy to use order and invoicing system
- Clients, suppliers and RMA management
- Bill of Material management (based on the client’s order)
Management system for Techno p.o.s. inc.
I implemented and developed this system for many years, as an employee and then as a consultant. I started at Techno p.o.s. in 2001 and I was still developing there when they closed their doors in 2010 (I was developing a new estimation system at the time).
Techno p.o.s. was a custom cardboard display designer and manufacturer; 120+ employees, 10+ Millions in sales, plants/offices (2 in Canada, 1 in Mexico)
- Custom-built management system developed with Microsoft Access (front-end) and Microsoft SQL Server (back end)
- Implemented at the plants of Montreal, Toronto and Mexico city (centralized database located in Montreal, Canada)
- Managed the production process: job management & resources allocation, automated bar-code system to manage the production line, inventory, timesheets, shipping & receiving, HR management & pay, clients management and a few other smaller modules
Online database for the construction industry
I took over this web project with only a few weeks remaining before the deadline. With the collaboration of a senior php developer, we managed to deliver the first phase of the project, on-time and within budget. For more information on the product, see (French only).
Note that this project is no longer managed by me or my company; I implemented phase #2 of the system and then sold my exclusivity rights a few years ago.
- PHP - MySQL online database
- Custom website developed by the AIQ for the construction industry, in collaboration
- Unique system that allows professionals to have access to information on energy efficiency of contruction products